swear this guy couldn't decide if he was making a 6 sided or 8
sided object! The drawing Perspective Study of a Mazzocchio
looks like it has a bit of both i think he's fudging it.
And then compare it with the mazzo in the details
above on this page and the one on the guys head has gotta be (if
symmetrical) 8 sides unless of course he's got 7 sides
one dropping straight down on the inside.
i 1st started faking some of jim's apparently hexagonal shapes
way back when Phoenix 3D came out of the mac 128k i couldn't
believe it because there was no way those tubes could be
hexaganol and still show that many sides in the view. I proved
to james that he was painting octagon and didn't know it. You can
bet we had (still have) some discussions about this point. It's
one of the reasons i started taking some of his pieces and modeling
them from the view he was showing, and then rotating around the
scene just to show him they had to be octagons.
ask people though, and most of them say, "hexagons."
got to looking at the mazzocchio on that guys head and started
fooling with the object. I discovered that in order to make the
lathed 6-sided object that revealed a center space in the orientation
shown in the Uccello wireframe that the hexagon could not
be a regular shape. The diagonals have to be twice as long as the
verticals. These guys were crafty as a headpiece, they were
employing a distortion in order to telegraph the perspective to
a street level observer. Nice tweak!