The New MOMA...an artist's view
by Ronnie Landfield |

Thanks for your interest and kind words for abstract-art.com. I started ab-art in 1997 when there was almost no abstraction on the web, Dreamweaver did not exist, and wiki was just an idea, and kept it active until 2004. By that time, artists and galleries found it relatively easy to create their own sites, and it became obvious that ab-art had outlived
its usefulness in promoting abstraction, and its coding was obsolete.
The site is NOW archived only, and I am not adding new artists.
— Ronald Davis
Ronald Davis – Ring, 1968
Currently on display in the lobby of the Museum of Modern Art, NYC January–September 2007
Ronald Davis: One Man Exhibition at the New Gallery, Houston, TX
Feb 15 - Mar 17, 2007
NEW GALLERY – Thom Andriola, 2627 Colquitt, Houston, Texas, 77098, 713 520-7053
We make contemporary abstract art. Abstract Expressionism is our teacher — Jackson Pollock is our mentor. We have been labeled as Abstract Illusionists or Lyrical Abstractionists. We learned from classic art, old art, modern art, modernism, the constructivists, the color field painters, minimal
art, our culture, in fact the history of art since the caveman. We now take our place in creating twenty-first century art.
This page has been hit
times since 2/20/97.

abstract-art.com is created and maintained by Ronald Davis.
web master/content master: Ronald Davis <ronhondo@newmex.com>
Some part of this Site Updated 4/25/2004