6/11/05Added two Robert
Reece paintings (2) to
the the More
Artists Gallery.
2/5/05Added two Lindy
Bradley paintings (2) to
the the New
Artists Gallery.
12/22/04Added a Cheryl
Kelley painting
to the the More
Artists Gallery.
12/22/04Added two Ned
Evans paintings (2) to
the the More
Artists Gallery.

09/22/04Added 2 Zoomer paintings
to the the More
Artists Gallery.
07/24/04Added two Hatch
Israelian paintings (2) to
the the New
Artists Gallery.
06/08/04Added a Rod
Schneider painting to the the New
Artists Gallery.
06/15/03Added two Carl
Gliko paintings (2) to
the the More
Artists Gallery.
06/08/04Added a Rod
Schneider painting to the the New
Artists Gallery.
06/08/04Added a Christopher
Dodds painting to the the New
Artists Gallery.
04/09/04Added a Michael
Timothy McAlevey painting on paper to the the New
Artists Gallery.
03/22/04Added a Deepak
Tandon rotating painting to the the New
Artists Gallery.
03/21/04Added a Maarten
Jansen painting to the the New
Artists Gallery.
02/10/04Added a Martha Brooks Marshall's Evening
Poem painting to the the More
Artists Gallery
01/20/04Added a two more Kristin
Calebrese paintings to the the More
Artists Gallery.
01/04/04Added 2 Julie
Karabenick paintings to the the More
Artists Gallery.
12/22/03Added 3 1970's paintings: Extension
Cube, Shadow
Block, and Wyoming
Slab to the the Ronald
Davis Painting Gallery.
12/16/03Added a Robert
Terrell painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
12/16/03Added 2 Mark
Robertson CG paintings to the the Mark
Robertson home.
11/10/03Added a Cecil
Touchon painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
10/31/03Added a John
Koehler painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
08/23/03Added a Randy
Bloom painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
08/22/03Added a Christopher
Harrison, to the the New
Artists Gallery.
08/02/03Added a Declan
O`Mahony painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
06/25/03Added a 1977 Phillip
Guston painting, Back View to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
06/25/03Added two Bridget
Riley Paintings to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
06/25/03Added two Max
Bill Paintings to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
06/14/03Added two Paul
Harriott paintings to the the More
Artists Gallery.
06/22/03Added a Lorser
Feitelson, to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
06/19/03Added a recent Kristin
Calebrese paintings to the the More
Artists Gallery.
06/12/03Added a José Clemente
Orozco, to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
06/09/03Added a Youri
Messenjaschin painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
06/9/03Added a recent Greg
Simson painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
05/20/03Added a number of recent 2003 Giclée
prints to the Ronald Davis Site.
05/20/03Added a Thibaut
Dancette painting to the New Artists Gallery.
05/20/03Added a Henk
N. van Dijl painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
03/27/03Added a recent Ronnie
Landfield painting to his site.
01/20/03Added a recent Darby
Bannard painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
08/15/02Added Alan
Shield's paintings to the the More
Artists Gallery.
7/22/02Added a 1970 paintings: Eye
Level Blocks - L (left and right) to the the Ronald
Davis Painting Gallery.
7/1/02Added a 1981 painting: Astrick
Nebula to the the Ronald
Davis Painting Gallery.
5/24/02Added three 1969 paintings: Big
Pink (Homage to Pollock), Pink
Mirror, and Double
See Thru to the the Ronald
Davis Painting Gallery.
5/11/02Added a third Clyfford
Still to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
04/28/02Added a Yosuka
Osbue painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
04/28/02Added a Frank
Ettenberg painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
04/28/02Added a second Nicholas
Wilder painting to the the More
Artists Gallery
04/22/02Added a Frank
Ettenberg painting to the the More
Artists Gallery.
03/9/02Added a painting by new generation artist Noah
Landfield to the the New
Artists Gallery.
03/9/02Added a Paul
Herriott, a Canadian artist to the the New
Artists Gallery.
03/26/02Added Barnett Newman Painting, Jericho, 1968-1969
to Abstract
03/18/02Added a Antonio
Puri, a NY artist to the the New
Artists Gallery.
03/7/02Added a Derrick
Fludd, a NY artist to the the New
Artists Gallery.
02/15/02Added a Kristine
Kaheley, a Taos artist to the the New
Artists Gallery.
01/02/02Added a Antoni
Tàpies, a Spainish artist to the the More
Artists Gallery.
01/02/02Added a Robert
Oblon to the the More
Artists Gallery.
01/02/02Added a Louis
Catusco to the the More
Artists Gallery.
11/15/01Added Joyce
Blair to the the New Artists Gallery.
11/15/01Added Patrick
Ngoho to the the New Artists Gallery.
11/1/0112/1/01Ronnie Landfield Exhibition "Recent
Paintings" Waddington & Tribby Fine Art, The
Gallery Center, 608 Banyan Trail, Boca Raton, Florida 33431

National Gallery of Art
Best Impressions:
35 Years of Prints and Sculpturefrom Gemini G.E.L.
4 November 2001 - 21 January 2002 East Building
Overview: Since 1981 the National Gallery has been home to the archive
collection of one of America's greatest printmaking workshops, Gemini
G.E.L. (Graphic Editions Limited). This exhibition highlights approximately
50 of the finest prints and works of edition sculpture produced by
50 of the foremost contemporary artists who have collaborated with
Gemini's master printers and artisans over the last three-and-a-half
decades. The show will herald the Gallery's first online catalogue
raisonné surveying Gemini's publications from 1966 to 1996.
Artists who have published with Gemini G.E.L. since its earliest
days, including Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Ronald
Davis, and Ellsworth Kelly, demonstrate an astonishing range
of styles, media, and techniques. Works by artists new to Gemini,
such as architect/artist Frank Gehry, poet/artist Allen Ginsberg,
Robert Gober, Ann Hamilton, and Brice Marden, are also included.
Related Online Resources
10/21/01Added a second Brice
Marden to the the More
Artists Gallery.
10/2/01Added Fred
Martin to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
10/08/01Added Michael
Heseltine to the the New Artists Gallery.
10/06/01Added minimal West Coast sculptor John
McCracken to the the More Artists Gallery.
10/05/01Added SF Bay Area abstractionist Tom
Holland to the the More Artists Gallery.
10/4/01Included in the Wording
Repository section of Abstract-art.com an article orginally
published in ARTFORUM, January, 1970 by Walter Darby Bannard, entitled "Notes
on American Painting of the Sixties." Good reading about
painting by a painter.
10/4/01Reformated the Wording
Repository section of Abstract-art.com, hopfully for better
10/4/01Added John
M. Miller to the the More Artists Gallery.
10/2/01Added a second Phillip
Guston to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
9/30/01Added Kathy
Koller to the the New Artists Gallery.
9/28/01Added pen artist Sukant
Saran, a physicist and artist who lives in Mumbai, India to
the the New Artists Gallery.
9/25/01Added Jan
M. Sessler to the the New Artists Gallery.
9/21/01Added Martha
Friedlander to the the New Artists Gallery.
9/18/01Added sculptor Tony
Smith to the the More Artists Gallery.
9/18/01Added Edward
Avedisian to the the More Artists Gallery.
for a World That is Lost September
11, 2001 Ronnie Landfield
9/18/01Added Ron Davis' Cube
and Four Panels, part of the collection of the Albright
Knox Art Gallery Ronald
Davis Gallery.
9/5/01Relocated and am in the process of expanding the Abstract
Illusionis section of abstraction. Have added Uccello, Duchamp,
Vermeer, and others. Thanks to Mark Robertson for his help and
contbution. (He's a good writer.)
9/4/01Added Ron Davis' Double
Ring, 1968, Parallel
Waves, 1976, Spiral
Uplifter, 1988, Octahedron,
1996, and Five
Panel Wave, 1996 to the on-line Ronald
Davis Gallery.
9/6/01Added Stanley
Whitney to the the New Artists Gallery.
8/28/01Added Ellsworth
Kelly to the the More Artists Gallery.
8/29/01Added Paul
Coat to the the New Artists Gallery.
8/27/01Added Ron Davis' Dual
Hexagon Radials, part of the collection of the Portland
Art Museum to the Ronald Davis
8/2/01Added Brad
Decarlo to the the New Artists Gallery.
8/2/01Added Steve
Rubin to the the New Artists Gallery.
7/28/01Added Louise
Ganthiers to the the More Artists Gallery.
7/10/01Added Max
Weber to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
7/7/01Added Ron Davis' Strata,
1968, part of the collection of the Portland Art Museum to the Ronald
Davis Gallery.
7/6/01Added Stanton
Macdonald-Wright to the the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
7/5/01Added Martha
Brooks Marshall to the the New Artists Gallery, plus a digital
painting to the Digital Gallery.
6/29/01Added Willemijn
Bouman to the the New Artists Gallery.
6/29/01Added Vicente
Pascual to the the New Artists Gallery.
by Stanley Tomshinsky added to the Digital Gallery.
4/29/01Ten Cubes, hilbert
reiteration, and Supremata by
Mark Robertson added to the Digital Gallery.
4/28/01Added Lauren
Olitsky to the the New Artists Gallery.
4/28/01Added Jack
Bush to the the More Artists Gallery.
4/11/01Added John
Hall to the the New Artists Gallery.
4/2/01Added a new digital painting, Six
Panel by Mark Robertson.
3/23/01Added Nan
Ivancich to the the New Artists Gallery.
3/21/01Added Yuhan
Wang to the the New Artists Gallery.
3/21/01Added Morgan
Russell to the the Grandfathers Gallery.
3/21/01Added Royden
Mills to the the New Artists Gallery
2/25/01 Added résumé and contact page to the Wendy
Lehman Home page.
2/18/01Remake and addition of 10 new digital drawings on the Jim
Wrinkle Home Page.
2/16/01A new painting and short bio of Robert
J. Wolff added to the More Artists Gallery.
2/9/01A Painting by Massimo
Castronuovo added to the New Artists Gallery.
2/9/01A Painting by Harvey
Taylor added to the New Artists Gallery.
2/7/01A Painting by Sherry
Walter added to the New Artists Gallery.
2/7/01A Painting by Paul
Jenkins added to the More Artists Gallery.
2/01/01Added Eleanor Heartney review of Salander-O'Reilly
show by Ronnie
Landfield and Dan Christensen, Art In America, Feb. 2001
to the Wording Repository.
1/30/01Received a Note from Siri Fischer Hansen, Assistant
to Sir Anthony Caro announcing the new personal website devoted to
Caro's work: www.barford.org/caro.
Worth the visit!
1/23/01Two sculptures by Herbert
Simon added to the More Artists Gallery.
1/23/01A Painting by Ray
Parker added to the More Artists Gallery.
1/14/01A new painting by Kenneth
Noland added to the More Artists Gallery.
1/14/01A Painting by Terrence
Keller added to the More Artists Gallery.
1/14/01Received a Note from Terry Fenton announcing the update
of his extensive, impressive web site which features many Terry
Fenton paintings, new Ken
Noland paintings, and Clement
Greenberg writings. A site worth the visit!
1/14/01A Painting by Tony
DeLap added to the More Artists Gallery.
1/12/01A Painting by Piet
Mondrian added to the Grandfathers and Influences Gallery.
1/12/01A Recent Painting by Dan
Christensen added to the More Artists gallery.
1/12/01A Wall Painting by Sol
LeWitt added to the More Artists gallery.
1/11/01A "self portrate" by Chasity
Arnold added to the New Artists gallery.
1/11/01A wall sculpture by Monroe
Mendelshon added to the New Artists gallery.
Garman added to the More Artists gallery.
1/7/01A 1994 "Line Painting" by Ronnie
Landfield added to the More Artists gallery.
1/7/01Parisian Claire
Merigeau added to the New Artists gallery.
1/6/00Different and better scan of a Frank
Stella added to the More Artists gallery.
Bogin added to the More Artists gallery.
12/17/00Italian Kho
(Roberto Santovito) added to the New Artists gallery.
Buren added to the More Artists gallery.
Caro added to the More Artists gallery.
Duren added to the New Artists gallery.
Martin added to the More Artists gallery.
J. Wolff added to the More Artists gallery.
Krushenick added to the More Artists gallery.
11/28/00Wendy Lehman Home Page added
to the abstract-art.com site.
Helsten added to the New Artists gallery.
D. McClureadded to the New Artists gallery.
Kirsh added to the New Artists gallery.
Angeloniadded to the New Artists gallery.
Emrys added to the New Artists gallery.
8/8/00New Post of Nicholas
Wilder on
Being an Art Dealer added to the Wording Repository.
Motherwell added to the Grandfathers gallery.
Pousette-Dart and first gereration Abstract Expressionist James
Brooks added to the More Artists gallery.
Tiburcio and Graham
Peacock added to the New Artists gallery.
LaRiviere added to the More Artists gallery.
Woelffer added to the More Artists gallery.
Lodato added to the More Artists gallery.
Held, Darby
Bannard, and Larry
Zox, added to the More Artists gallery.
3/1/00 Philip
Guston, Zone, 19534 added to Grandfathers Gallery.
3/1/00 Milton
Avery added to the More Artists gallery.
Goldberg added to the More Artists gallery.
Dugmore added to the More Artists gallery.
Kngwarreye, late Aboriginal master. Added two images and bio
in Grandmothers and Influences Gallery.
2/16/00Complete remake of the Ronald
Davis Home Pages, including new images.
2/15/00Added small scale artist Leslie
Lewis to the More Artists gallery.
Gilliam added to the More Artists gallery.
11/8/99Ronnie Landfield: The
Whitney Museum Ends the American Century,
The American Century: Art and Culture 1950-2000, Part II, September
26, 1999 to February 13, 2000
Another review.
Corbett added to the More Artists gallery.
8/24/99Complete remake of the Jim
Wrinkle Homepage, including 9 new digital drawings done in Photoshop
as only Jimbo can do them.
Delaunay, Homage to Bleriot, 1914 added to Grandfathers.
Aug 20,1999Arthur
C. Danto review of Whitney show in the Abs-Art Wording Repository.
Aug 15, 1999Mark Cohen's article Ronnie
Landfield New Works on Paper.
3/1/99Three new works
on paper added to Ronnie Landfield's Home Pages, previewing
his upcoming show at the Claudia
Carr Gallery in NYC.
3/1/99Three new paintings by
Jim Wrinkle added to his home page.
2/17/98Snapshot of Ron Davis' Wyoming
Slab, 1974 from the opening of: radical past: contemporary
art and music in pasadena, 1950-1974, on view at the Norton
Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA thru May 9, 1999.
2/7/98A painting by Franco
Luppis added to the More Artists' Gallery.
2/4/99A Note on Ron
Davis' Illusionism by psychologist Benjamin T. Backus.
1/25/99Added painter Clark
Murray to the More Artists Gallery.
1/24/98Remake and added to Peter
Reginato Home.
1/19/99—Added the painting Pitch,
1983 to the Ron Davis Site.
1/15/99—Added some installation views from the Ronald Davis Exhibition at
the Oakland Museum, 1976, plus a view of
Trump's restaurant, 1985.
1/15/99—Remake of the Ronald
Davis Home Pages, for better navigation.
1/4/99—Mirror of Jim
Wrinkle's Pages on DADADATA PRESENTS:
11/27/98—Hans Christian von Baeyer, Finity/Infinity, "The
Art of Ronald Davis"
11/22/98—Clement Greenberg. Avant-garde
11/22/98—Clement Greenberg. Smear
O'Keeffe painting added
and Modernism, and essay by Ronnie Landfield.
7/3/98—"Eight and a Fake" Digital
Images added Jim Wrinkle's HOME page
6/12/98—New Ronnie Landfield Painting added: Path
to Norway, 1997 (More to Come)
in Brooklyn, NY added to site.
1/4/98—Ron Davis is having his first painting show in
ten years: www version . . . . . Ron
Davis Show, my first painting show in ten years, now on the
WWW featuring 12 new paintings by webmaster Ronald Davis.
Ron Davis - New Work - Wax Series
Jaquelin Loyd Gallery
Ranchos de Taos, NM
Goto the WWW
version of the Wax Series show.
11/11/97 —The Crazy Ones.
11/11/97—Artists Joe Novak and Tony Berlant added to the "More
Artists Gallery".
11/5/97—Added several new and interesting LINKS to
the link's page.umber of new images and enhancing navigation by including
a JAVA enabled Galleries Browser.
10/8/97—Los Angeles artist Don
Sorenson becomes the newest addition to the More Artists Gallery.
10/1/97—Added Nicholas
Wilder to the More Artists Gallery.
9/30/97—Added Ken
Showell to the "More Artists Gallery"
9/20/97—Added Notes on the 1997
Whitney Museum Biennial - a review of the show by Ronnie
9/15/97—Ronald Davis is included in a group exhibition at
the (Taos Art Association) Stables Gallery, Taos ,NM entilted Louis
Catusco and the Modernists. 9/20/97 to 11/9/97
to Paint a Cube in Presenter 3D," on the Ron Davis Home Page.
9/15/97—"Defining Illusionism" on the Ron Davis Home Page.
8/29/97—Reformated Ronnie
Landfield's Home Page, adding four paintings.
8/23/97—Began construction of a Defining
Illusionism page on Ron Davis' Home Page. (Under Construction).
8/11/97—Included Leo Steinberg's "Critique
of Formalism", from Other Criteria
8/11/97—Published Ronnie Landfield's Review: "Notes
on the 1997 Whitney Museum Biennial".
7/22/97—Added a painting by Brice
Marden to the More Artists Gallery.
7/21/97—Added paintings by Hans
Hoffmann, Joan
Miro, and Tang
Yin to the Grandfathers and Influences Gallery.
7/14/97—Added paintings by Clyfford
Still and John
McGlaughlin to the Grandfathers
and Influences Gallery.
7/3/97—Added two installation views to the "Seven
Painters" Show and reformatted it and its Reviews.
6/20/97—Artist Jim Wrinkle is now being hosted by Abstract-Art.com.
Visit Jim Wrinkle's Home Page.
6/20/97—I finally added this "What's New?" Section to the
Site. You are here now.