M e r g e d
a blade of grass, the skin of shark, feathers, the human body and the
appear smooth, structured, orderly.
On a closer look enabled by technology,
man is rediscovering what the wise ones long declared -
that the weave of the universe is truly a symphony of waves, channels and chaotic
patterns or fractals,
mixed with myriad hues, harmonized by space.
Space has
been described as an invisible, web like, multidimensional, jelly like
sticky structure,
binding objects appearing afloat in their free will.
By observing
the Shark skin,
scientists have added micro wavy channels to the once smooth surface of a swimsuit,
thus enabling easy flow of the elements.
The study of bionics is borrowing designs from the dwellings of animals -
be it ants, birds or ones already tuned, consistently tuning, merging with
The similarity of the human gene to any other animal brings to light
the oneness among the animate.
Nanotechnology (nano = one billionth of a meter)
equipped to work on such a minute scale,
shall some day manipulate the very building blocks of the universe: the atoms
and molecules;
thus, making possible conversion of grass to bread, water to fuel
and one never knows, maybe a cat into a mouse.
All this reminds one of the childhood days
where one shape was changed to another using the same Lego blocks.
This further unfolds the oneness between the animate and inanimate.
While admiring
yet filtering
these mindful achievements of atomic and molecular alterations,
the stories and details of matter,
one wonders of the One Invisible Force binding these common building blocks.
These works
attempt to weave within them the microlines of the nano age,
the waviness and hues of nature
and the abstractness of the unchangeable Binding Force,
thereby indulging in the mindlessness and the fullness of that storyless, formless
Here, while merging different perceptions,
one could dive from an Eagle's perspective of nature's various elements
to their microscopic view.
A concave may appear to convert into a convex or visa-versa.
Elsewhere, one may traverse
impressions of optical fibers, umbilical cord or the stem of a lotus, a microchip
or a seed,
sourcing, producing, containing
and finally surrendering to void visual significance.
M e r g e d |