the painting surface quality, is what it's all about for me. As
a non-objective painter, the design of the work and the process
of evaluating relationships are foremost in my mind. I'm always
thinking about the relationships between the warm and the cool;
the textured or busy and the smooth or restful; or the organic
versus the geometric. Organic shapes seem to dominate my work so
I think a lot about organizing those shapes. This appears to be
a totally intuitive process but I've studied all the basics enough
to just let go and do what I feel is right and then evaluate the
results and make adjustments as needed. There are frustrating times
when things just aren't working but it's all worthwhile when the
process just flows and later you wonder how you did that. Those
paintings always seem to be the most rewarding in the long run.
When I finally see something emerge, it is so exciting to be making
those shapes and marks that provide the energy for painting.
D. McClure
Longview, TX