Kho (Roberto Santovito)

Kho, Geometry

Kho (Roberto Santovito)
Geometry, 1999
105 x 125 cm
Olio su leano

Artist's Statement

I am a young artist and my life is dedicated to the world of art and painting. I have studied great International artists through books and with thanks, through reproductions, and continue to do so in order to increasingly perfect my works.

The objectives for my artistic career are many since I believe that artists of old reached a certain perfection that over the years has faded away, and therefore, one day I hope to create a painting such as they did.

Today however, times have very much changed and even though local art has a long history, it mostly feels the effects and the presence of strong globalization and shall be increasingly influenced by far away countries.

In such times, I as a modern artist therefore intend contributing to this new international spirit and for this reason my studies shall not be exclusively dedicated to local art.

Art is then changing, and if in the past it was certainly harder for it to be effected by foreign influence, today it would be something silly not to accept.

In the last years we have been given television and Internet, there are those who have withered away and passed to utmost decline, but my paintings shall try to be cheerful and shall maybe give joy. They must impart life and guide towards contemplation. They shall be warm, lively and bright.I do not know where I can reach and I do not believe this so important, but I enjoy contributing to art and seeing as I live in a society that detests whoever judges, and this society often judges; I believe to be just, and whoever has different ideas to mine shall be greatly welcomed to discuss their reasons.

Every person possesses an artistic side, and maybe in this initial modern millennium period, people are more inclined towards art rather than before. I can sense this vocation within; this illness drawn from sacrifice, patience, the joys, and the sorrows deriving from the accomplishment of each painting. I would like to conclude with an anonymous quote that says:
"Art is woman, and is my love."

Ciao to everyone.
