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George W. Hart
George W. Hart, Roads Untaken, 2002
George W. Hart, Roads Untaken, 2002, 17 inches diameter, oiled hardwoods

Here is one of my favorite sculptures: Roads Untaken.  A mosaic of three exotic hardwoods (yellowheart, paela, and padauk) with walnut "grout," it is 17 inches in diameter, and stands 21 inches on the base.  Those are the natural colors; it is just oiled, not stained.  The ball just rests on the three struts, so it can be lifted and returned in any orientation.

Let your eye meander along the light roads which run between hexagons or the dark roads which run between triangles.  Is there a yellow path from any hexagon to any other hexagon?  Is there a red path from any triangle to any other triangle?  The form can be called the exploded propellorized truncated icosahedron.

It is [displayed] low, near the floor, so people can sit around it like a meditation object.