almost feels guilty here at home having dinner in Tribeca, just a
few blocks from Ground Zero, when there are scores of emergency workers
digging through the rubble to uncover what's left of the missing.
My emotions are frozen, like the zone below Canal Street can't seem
to encompass the enormity of what we experienced with our own eyes.
saw the biggest building in New York one of the largest in
the world disintegrate in a matter of minutes with lots of
people in it. It hardly made a sound from where we stood, except some
people screaming around us. Most of us didn't really know what was
going on. We had never seen anything like it before. What is left
is years of healing and rebuilding and who knows what else. It makes
me tired just to think of it. I want to cry and I can't, I almost
don't feel anything. But a sense of horror pervades my thoughts. I
had just awakened Tuesday morning, hearing many sirens in the street.
I said to myself, Oh my, the last time I heard those sirens was in
1993 when they bombed the World Trade Center. I thought no, it couldn't,
no it couldn't have happened again. Maybe it's a big fire, I thought,
or something else big and bad.
my son called me from his phone on the street as he was on his way
to work; he said "Ma, a plane just crashed into the Trade Center!"
I said "Was it an accident or on purpose?" and he said "I
don't know." Within minutes we were outside with hundreds of
running people, and someone said another plane had hit and it was
a terrorist attack. They seemed certain. Within an hour, the two towers
were dust.
don't know what we should do now. I want to cry and I can't, I don't
know why. I am sick in my stomach and perhaps traumatized. I have
felt like just hiding under the covers and never coming out, and I
know that is not an ! answer. One wants to help but it is unclear
what to do. Many people are volunteering, so many that it is difficult
to figure out how and where to help.
is an activity I had hoped the world had outgrown, but there is truly
no reason to have thought that, as the Gulf War was a real war and
we even watched it on TV (as well as all the other wars we have witnessed
second hand in other parts of the world). This one is more up-close
and personal, so to speak, and why wouldn't it be so? After all, what
makes us think we are exempt?
husband and sons are watching Band of Brothers on TV right
now, and it is the last thing in the world I would want to watch.
hope all of you will be able to weather the coming times and be safe.
I hope for this for all of us, and for the world. Maybe if everyone
prays for world peace, something good will happen. I can't think of
what else to say. The community spirit in New York has been awesome.
It is one good thing that has come from this so far.
is always something good in the human soul. The enemy is lack of reason.
our love,
September 16, 2001